The View from Above
The music of the spheres was the most beautiful ever produced, inspiring the entire population beyond anything they had ever imagined to date. No one knew where it came from, yet they had lived with such bliss and surrender there was no need for anything.
There was no tactile or sensory experience, though, only the feeling of the sensations of vibration; the euphoric sounds of creation – a oneness beyond all description.
Everyone was excited by the sound of this magnificent display of frequency and tones from this Angel of Music, the Most High of the One. This Bearer of Light was celebrating the evo-leap all of them had all been expecting; the journey of lifetimes about to begin, literally, lasting for an eternity. Time was yet to come.
They had been feeling the new sensation for a while, growing steadily for some time. It was time to experience their creation, to learn how to experience a new set of senses. Although the form would be new and vastly different, breadcrumbs from home were in place for discovery in progress. One had to lead the way as the many, spinning off structure in the confines of space.
They were able to experience a wide range of frequency and produce tones that, when combined, sounded like a symphony of thousands. This music was different, though. The tones went beyond the accustomed range and heightened their consciousness to a new level never experienced. They began to spiral inward and after some time, realized how far away from the One they had journeyed.
Upon arrival and in form now, worlds emerged. A change was happening at the very depths of the pure consciousness within every living thing, now. A conversation was imminent, but no one was sure when it would take place or who would initiate it. Then right on cue, the conversation ignited everywhere, breaching the boundaries of self-imposed exile.
It was rumored that the council had considered advancing to a new level of experience. In this place there was no concern for past or future because of the sense of presence. That place would remain the core of all things in myriad forms, aligned with the One, with a natural instinct and urge to merge again.
Their experience lacked a certain set of sensations, though they weren’t aware of it just yet. The newness of this shift in awareness was just beginning to expand within. It was hoped it would reach the surface soon, understand the harmony embedded in the natural order, and acquiesce to the truth across linear, non-linear and non-local worlds.
So the conversation happened; One shared that it was time to advance the shores of consciousness, through the ocean of emotion, to new worlds of opportunity. The steadfast determination of the composer empowered the willingness to sacrifice everything in order to serve All That Is. Lifeforms, humans in your case, become aware and learn how to flow, or in your vernacular, ‘Let Go.’
They were the best at their craft, allowing the perfect flow to manifest until condensation was complete. There was offered an opportunity to help lead those willing to follow to a completely new type of experience. The descent into form required exquisite craftsmanship for such a wise design.
The excitement this generated within the One literally affected everyone. None was immune to this sensation, even though the journey wasn’t for everyone. The inner and outer spin of the polarized points began to draw others into form, with pitch and tone descending to material planes.
This place was different than any other, far removed from the consciousness of nearly every other race of beings because there were no filters on the sharing of information. Thoughts were consistently gracious and supported the thoughtmospheric conditions of freedom as one.
The One was like a primordial soup of consciousness, where all thoughts resided yet were only made available to all once it was reflected by an individuated being. The exchange program was exquisitely designed.
Now when the thought of a shift rippled through the collective, many were drawn to explore the possibility felt deeply within the frequency. The anticipation grew to unimaginable levels and everyone felt like something was going to pop at any moment, yet the flow of the motion already circulating amongst the population was unimpeded, a rush of mobius operandi.
Everyone benefitted from the rise in energy, though, as new thoughtforms were being generated nearly without effort and the universe expanded magnificently.
When the word finally got out that a new vibe had unleashed the creative drive again, the One opened the dialog about differentiation within the holistic systems they were considering. Trust me, the conversation wasn’t as dry, but I had to explain it somehow.
It was like the light had been turned on to reveal an unimaginably beautiful scene that created such a sense of awe so deep that this complete thoughtform was embraced without hesitation. It was the ultimate universal vorticular spin-doctoring that really set the stage.
Everyone had a contribution; a part, a role and a responsibility that engaged their very essence with desire for participation. In order for the plan to work, serious thought had to go into the various components. Quite Sirius it was…
The One already had the plan in mind, but the details had to be shared with the rest of the population so that everyone would be on the same page. The orchestra needed tuning.
This took considerable effort as each of the details encompassed an enormous amount of planning, even though there was awareness that this process would begin a completely new experience for everyone. The condensation would pass through many levels to be integrated later.
No one had embarked on such a journey since the beginning, which none save a few even remembered, so even with intricately woven details in place, the evolution of the plan would be driven by the consciousness of each new world, an order specific to the the planetary purpose.
When the concept of ‘worlds’ was introduced, the flow of information to be transferred from the One to the Many was enormous. The anticipation grew from the increased flow of light as the details of the process were revealed.
Talk about a vortex of love.
In order for the process to be engaged, there were many levels of understanding to be disbursed. The various levels were determined by the variety of frequencies and tones necessary to support the plan, like threads in tapestry.
After all, those chosen to perform the most intricate parts of the plan would leave this existence not knowing when they would return.
Even though their present state encompassed a vastness incomprehensible to human minds now, the plan was to learn how to create and enjoy other worlds of existence.
Several of the original Council of the One were involved in the atomic and etheric measures for creating forms to house consciousness, beginning with creating the environments for those forms to develop naturally. System checks were built in as safe guards for wandering vibrations.
The One understood that for this to work, their creation would use their understanding of music and vibration to create a momentum that would allow the consciousness to condense into various forms as threads within the tapestry in process.
They started with galaxies and gradually worked their way down the scale of tones to create solar systems and planets. It was determined that the progress would be driven by cycles, like stanzas in the music that was their life to date.
As they all learned how to achieve their directives from the Council of One, it became evident that these new creations began to give their consciousness definition. This ‘definition’ went from a universe through galaxies, then solar systems and finally to forms that could inhabit them. Each had a consciousness the other would learn about through their natural evolution.
This was a very precise process, requiring nearly an infinite amount of possibility yet having one goal – the ability to discover and explore their creation from a finite perspective. They had been living in an infinite environment.
They all knew that once any of them became finite there would be a necessary separation from their experience of the infinite. Such was the nature of this process that started when they became aware.
Even the One had a hard time relating the understanding of how they came to be since it had happened as a result of evolution as well.
To suddenly become aware of One, even as the One, was an evo-leap from the previous state of nothingness where no differentiation occurred. Such was the nature of creation and the process of awareness.
The details are what begin the process of condensation, especially when consciousness becomes a highly dexterous form. The intricacies of understanding the return trip home are woven into the self-discovery process in layers, consistent with the frequency ranges that precipitate form.